We are committed to protecting children and adolescents

In our community, we are committed to protecting children and adolescents. Guided by the motto: “We say NO to the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents,” every member of the Poder Joven foundation marched through the city center to raise awareness about the urgent need to safeguard childhood and eradicate abuse and exploitation once and for all.

we aim to engage adolescents in the foundation’s programs

Through juggling classes, we aim to engage adolescents in the foundation’s programs, recognizing that this stage of life often presents challenges in finding motivating activities. By incorporating art and sports into our initiatives, we provide creative and dynamic outlets that help adolescents focus on the positive aspects of life, fostering personal growth and meaningful engagement.

The power of being a woman

We understand that girls often face unique challenges in managing their emotions and feelings. To address this, we organized a workshop in December titled “The Power of Being a Woman.” The workshop successfully achieved its goal, empowering participants to recognize their self-worth and embrace the idea that femininity embodies courage, strength, and the determination to set and pursue meaningful goals.

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During the month of May we held a workshop for teenagers called “Visualizing our future.” The objective of this activity was to help the children understand the importance of setting relevant goals in life, and then create a plan of specific actions/decisions they must carry out daily towards that goal. Furthermore, we invited the kids to become aware of unhelpful habits that could divert them from their plans.

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In our efforts to offer meaningful activities to the children, we created an alliance with one of the main public libraries in the city of Medellín. Through it, children learn science in many fun ways. Children get access to computers, watch documentaries, play games that stimulate their creativity and intelligence. Through activities like this, we make sure that Poder Joven is more attractive to the children than the “the street activities” which they are exposed to such as begging, crime, sexual exploitation, and drug consumption.

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